- 172 State Hwy 10, Coopers Beach (0420), Northland Region
- 2 km from Cable Bay (0420)
- Ideal for Parties, Weddings
Party and Event Catering Suppliers - Cable Bay (0420) (0420)
Best match results for party and event catering suppliers in Cable Bay (0420) + 5km.
- 60 Waterfront Dve, Mangonui (0420), Northland Region
- 2-5 km from Cable Bay (0420)
- Ideal for Parties, Weddings
- Shop 1, Taipa Mall, State Hwy 1, Taipa (0420), Northland Region
- 2 km from Cable Bay (0420)
- Ideal for Parties, Weddings
- Mangonui Hotel, Beach Rd, Mangonui (0420), Northland Region
- 2 km from Cable Bay (0420)
- Ideal for Parties, Weddings