Party and Event Decoration Suppliers in the Taupo Region

the Waikato Region

Best match results for party and event decoration suppliers in the Taupo Region + 5km.

    Decorations Event Decorators & Stylists

    NZ’s BIGGEST casino party theme, started by Ian Hastings (ex NZ Police) in 1980 as a fundraising solution and now run by his daughter Debbie as a successful business for all types of events and still doing the biggest fundraiser events (largest was 26 casino games for Prostate NZ in 2018) NZ WIDE. We have bases of staff and equipment in AUCKLAND, TAURANGA, WELLINGTON, NELSON & CHRISTCHURCH, and we can travel to any other location throughout NZ. We come to your venue with our authentic casino... Read more

    Decorations Wedding Decorations
    Decorations Signage
    Decorations Flowers & Bouquets
    Decorations Flowers & Bouquets

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