- 31 Creek St, Drury (2113), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
Wineries - Clendon Park (2103) (2103)
No exact matches found within 5km.
Other related businesses in and around Clendon Park (2103) (within 20km)
- 6A Queen St, Papakura (2110), Auckland Region
- 5-10 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Corporate Events, Parties
It's nature's best kept secret - and Manuka Masters are sweet enough to share it with you. The nectar of the Manuka plant - native only to New Zealand - has been used by the indigenous Maori people for centuries to cure and combat skin ailments. Today the pollution free environment of New Zealand enriches the honey-making process, with beekeepers setting up hives in wild, uncultivated areas where Manuka bushes flourish. With a nutritional content up to four times that of normal flower honeys, Manuka... Read more
- 133 Whitford Park Rd, Whitford (2571), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Corporate Events, Kids Parties
- Please call us for enquiries, Onehunga (1061), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Corporate Events, Parties
- 42 Lunn Ave, Mount Wellington (1072), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Corporate Events, Parties
- Botany Rd, Botany Downs (2010), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Corporate Events, Parties
- 852A Mt Eden Rd, Three Kings (1042), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Parties
- Please call us for enquiries, Cockle Bay (2014), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Parties, Weddings
- Suite 10, 160 BRdway, Newmarket (1023), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Corporate Events, Parties
- 118 Montgomerie Rd, Mangere (2022), Auckland Region
- 5-10 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Corporate Events, Parties
- Please call us for enquiries, Orakei (1071), Auckland Region
- 10-20 km from Clendon Park (2103)
- Ideal for Parties, Weddings